

Jean Leclant

1993 Balzan Prize for Art and Archaeology of the Ancient World

A renowned Egyptologist on the international scene, Jean Leclant has carried out excavations and made major discoveries at Saqqarah and other archaeological sites in Sudan and Ethiopia, leaving exhaustive, in-depth documentation. His work extends to the whole of ancient Egyptian civilisation, from its origin to its decline, as well as its spread throughout the Mediterranean world, which is shown by his studies on Cyprus in particular.

Jean Leclant was born in Paris on August 8, 1920 (†2011): he is a French citizen;

professor at Strasbourg University since 1955;

professor at the Sorbonne, then Paris IV since 1963;

professor at the Collège de France since 1979;

member of the Institut de France, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, since 1974;

Secrétaire perpétuel at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres since 1983;

member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome, of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, of the Royal Danish Academy, of the Royal Swedish Academy, of the Bavarian Academy in Munich, of the lnstitut d’Egypte in Cairo, etc.

Some of his works are:

– Enquêtes sur les sacerdoces et les sanctuaires égyptiens à l’époque dite éthiopienne, Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1954;

– Karnak-Nord IV, Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1954;

– Dans les pas des Pharaons, Parigi, Hachette, 1958;

– Montouemhat, quatrième prophète d’Amon, prince de la Ville, Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1961;

– Recherches sur le monuments thébains de la XXVe dynastie, dite éthiopienne, Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1965;

– Soleb I (in collaborazione con M. Schiff Giorgini e C. Robinchon), Firenze, Sansoni, 1965;

– Soleh II (in collaborazione con M. Schiff Giorgini e C. Robinchon), Firenze, Sansoni, 1971;

– Mission archéologique de Saqqarah, I (in collaborazione con J.-P. Lauer), Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1972;

– Inventaire bibliographique des Isiaca, 4 voll., Leida, Brill, 1972-91;

– Fouilles de Kition, II. Objets égyptiens et égyptisants (in collaborazione con G. Clerc, V. Karageorghis, E. Lagarce), Nicosia, Zavallis Press, 1976;

– Mission archéologique de Saqqarah, II (in collaborazione con J.-P. Lauer e A. Labrousse), Il Cairo, I.F.A.O., 1977;

– Les Pharaons (direzione e coordinamento), 3 voll., Parigi, Gallimard, 1978-80;

– Recherches dans la pyramide et au temple haut du Pharaon Pépi Ier, à Saqqarah, Leida, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1979;

– The Edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake of Karnak, Londra, Brown University Press, 1979;

– Présentation préliminaire de la céramique recueillie par la M A F S au temple haut et à la pyramide de Pépi Ier, Saqqarah, Parigi, U.R.A., 1979;

– Recherches récentes sur l’ histoire de l’Egypte pharaonique, Revue des études anciennes, 1981;

– A la quête des Pyramides des reines de Pepi Ier, Bulletin de la Société française d’archéologie, 1988;

– Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1988-1989, (in collaborazione con Gisèle Clerc), Orientalia, 1990, con 100 fotografie;

– Le “tétragramme” à l’époque d’Aménophis III, dedicated to HIH Prince Takahito Mikasa, Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, 1991;

– Noubounet, une nouvelle peine d’Egypte, Tübingen, Festschrift für Emma Brunner-Trant;

– Aux sources de l’Egyptologie européenne, Champollion, Young, Rosellini, Lepsius, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1991;

– Diana Nemorensis, Isis et Bubastis, Studies in pharaonic Religion and Society, in onore di J. Gwyn Griffiths, Londra, 1992;

– Discours inaugural, VI Congresso internazionale di Egittologia, Torino, novembre 1992.

(October 1993)

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