
Italien - USA

Paolo de Bernardis und Andrew Lange

Balzan Preis 2006 für Beobachtende Astronomie und Astrophysik

Für ihren Beitrag zur Kosmologie, im Besonderen mit dem Ballon-Experiment BOOMERanG in der Antarktis.

Selected Joint Publications:

– P.D. Mauskopf, et al., Measurement of a Peak in the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum from the North American test flight of BOOMERanG, The Astrophysical Journal, 536, L59-L62 (2000)

– A. Melchiorri, et al., A measurement of Omega from the North American test flight of BOOMERanG, The Astrophysical Journal, 536, L63-L66 (2000)

– P. de Bernardis, et al., A Flat Universe from High-Resolution Maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Nature, 404, 955-959 (2000)

– S. Hanany, et al., MAXIMA-1: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy on angular scales of 10 arcminutes to 5 degrees, Ap.J. Letters, 545, L5-L9 (2000)

– A.E. Lange, et al., First Estimations of Cosmological Parameters from BOOMERanG, Phys. Rev. D 63, 042001 (2001)

– A.H. Jaffe, et al., Cosmology from Maxima-1, BOOMERanG and COBE/DMR CMB Observations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3475 (2001)

– S. Masi, et al., High latitude Galactic dust emission in the BOOMERanG maps, Ap.J.Letters, 553, L93-L96 (2001)

– C.B. Netterfield, et al., A measurement by BOOMERanG of multiple peaks in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background, The Astrophysical Journal, 571, 604-614 (2002), astro-ph/0104460

– P. de Bernardis, et al., Multiple Peaks in the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background: Significance and Consequences for Cosmology, The Astrophysical Journal, 564, 559-566 (2002), astro-ph/0105296

– A. Benoit, et al., The Cosmic Microwave Anisotropy Power Spectrum measured by Archeops, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 399, L19 (2003), astro-ph/0210305

– A. Benoit, et al., Cosmological Constraints from Archeops, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 399, L25 (2003), astro-ph/0210306

– J.E. Ruhl, et al., Improved Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of Temperature Anisotropy in the CMB from Two New Analyses of BOOMERanG Observations, Ap.J., 599, 786-805 (2003), astro-ph/0212229

– J.M. Lamarre, et al., The Planck High Frequency Instrument, a 3 rd generation CMB experiment, and a full sky submillimeter survey, Proceedings of the work-shop on “The Cosmic Microwave Background and its Polarization”, New Astronomy Reviews, (eds S. Hanany and R.A. Olive) astro-ph/0308075

– W.C. Jones, et al., A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the CMB Temperature Anisotropy from the 2003 Flight of BOOMERanG, Ap.J., 647, 823-832 (2006), astro-ph/0507494

– F. Piacentini, et al., A measurement of the polarization-temperature angular cross power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background from the 2003 flight of BOOMERanG, Ap.J., 647, 833-839 (2006), astro-ph/0507507

– T.E. Montroy, et al., A Measurement of the CMB Spectrum from the 2003 Flight of BOOMERanG, Ap.J., 647, 813-822 (2006), astro-ph/0507514

– C.J. MacTavish, et al., Cosmological Parameters from the 2003 flight of BOOMERanG, Ap.J., 647, 799-812 (2006), astro-ph/0507503

– S. Masi, et al., Instrument, Method, Brightness and Polarization Maps from the 2003 flight of BOOMERanG, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 458, 687-716, 2006, astro-ph/0507509

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