14 Dezember 2010

Erste Buch der Folge Annual Balzan Lecture

Olschki Verlag hat das Buch mit den Akten der erste Annual Balzan Lecture, die in Rom gehalten hatte. "The evolution of Darwin's Finches, Mockingbirds and Flies" von Peter und Rosemary Grant.

Leo S. Olschki, Florence, have just published the Balzan Annual Lecture "The evolution of Darwin's Finches, Mockingbirds and Flies", held at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rome on 13 May 2010 by Peter and Rosemary Grant, 2005 Balzan Prizewinners for Population Biology.
Printed in English, it is available from the Olschki retail network (www.olschki.it).

This is the first volume in the series the Annual Balzan Lectures, which are held on alternate years in Italy and Switzerland, on the basis ofthe Agreements of collaboration signed by the International Balzan Foundation “Prize” with the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei to spread knowledge of studies of international breadth in the sciences and the humanities.

Simplified version for www.balzan.org: thanks to the publisher Leo S. Olschki

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Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan