29 Juli 2013

„Fair Society, Healthy Lives“ von Michael Marmot

Olschki Verlag hat das Buch mit den Akten der Annual Balzan Lecture 2012 veröffentlicht, die in Zürich gehalten hatte.

Leo S. Olschki, Florence, has just published the 2012 Annual Balzan Lecture "Fair Society, Healthy Lives", given by Michael Marmot, 2004 Balzan Prizewinner for Epidemiology, at the University of Zurich on 29 August 2012.
Printed in English, it is going to be available from the Olschki retail network.
Fair Society, Healthy Lives is a very timely contribution to the debate on what kind of society we should live in and the role of the state in creating such a society particularly in the field of health care. It is the latest in the Annual Balzan Lecture series destined for the general public.

Simplified version for www.balzan.org: thanks to the publisher Leo S. Olschki

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