Bio-bibliografia (inglese)


Wolfgang H. Berger

Premio Balzan 1993 per la paleontologia, con particolare riferimento all’oceanografia

Per le sue ricerche di avanguardia nel campo della paleoceanografia sviluppate utilizzando metodi micropaleontologici per decifrare la storia geologica dei nostri oceani e le sue implicazioni climatiche.

Biographic data

M.Sc. Geology 1963 U. Colorado, Boulder
Ph.D. Oceanography 1968 U. California, San Diego


1971-1974   Assistant Prof. Oceanogr., SIO/UC San Diego
1974-1980   Associate Prof. Oceanogr., SIO/UC San Diego
1977 & 1980   Visiting Prof. Geology, Univ. Kiel, Germany
1980-present   Professor of Oceanography, SIO/UC San Diego
1987-present   Visiting Senior Researcher, U.Bremen, Germany
1994-1996   Director, Geosciences Research Division, SIO
1996-1997   Interim Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
1996-1997   Interim Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, UCSD
1998-present   Director, California Space Institute, UC

Bigelow Medal (Oceanography), Woods Hole 1979; Norwegian Research Fellow, 1980; Huntsman Medal (Marine Geology), Bedford 1984; Lady Davis Fellow, Hebrew University, 1986; Humboldt Award, Bonn 1986; Ewing Medal (Marine Geophysics), Am. Geophys. Union and U.S. Navy, San Francisco, 1988; Prince Albert I Medal (Oceanography), Paris, 1991; International Balzan Prize (Marine Paleontology), Bern, 1993; Steinmann Medal (Geology), Bern, 1998; Shepard Medal (Marine Geology), 2001; Foreign Member, European Academy of Sciences (Earth and Cosmic Sciences), 2001.

American Assoc. Adv. Science (Fellow); American Geophysical Union (Fellow); Geological Society of America (Fellow); European Union of Geophysical Sciences; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography; National Association of Geology Teachers.

1982 (W. H. Berger, J.C.Crowell, eds) Climate in Earth History. Studies in Geophysics. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C. 198 pp.; 1987 (W.H. Berger, L.Labeyrie, eds) Abrupt Climatic Change – Evidence and Implications. Reidel Dordrecht; 1989 (W.H. Berger, V.S. Smetacek, G. Wefer, eds) Ocean Productivity – Present and Past. John Wiley Chichester; 1993 (W.H. Berger, L.W. Kroenke, L.A. Mayer, et al.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Leg 130 (Pelagic Record of Ontong Java Plateau), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; 1996 (G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, G. Siedler, D. J. Webb, eds) The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. Springer?Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; 1998 (G. Wefer, W.H. Berger, C. Richter, et al.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Results, Leg 175 (History of Benguela Current and Upwelling), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

(May 2002)

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