23 Januar 2012

„Humanists with Inky Fingers“ von Anthony Grafton

Olschki Verlag hat das Buch mit den Akten der Annual Balzan Lecture 2010 veröffentlicht, die in ETH Zürich gehalten hatte.

Leo S. Olschki, Florence, has just published the 2010 Annual Balzan Lecture "Humanists with Inky Fingers. The Culture of Correction in Renaissance Europe", given by Anthony Grafton. 2002 Balzan Prizewinner for the History of the Humanities, at ETH Zurich on 10 December 2010.
Printed in English, it is available from the Olschki retail network (http://www.olschki.it/page.htm).
Anthony Grafton focuses on the correction of texts in the «Republic of Letters» of the 16th and 17th centuries. He explains how such activity was often the preserve of the best minds of the era. He illustrates how, in addition to simply working up the texts for printing, censorship was exercised with both a light and heavy hand and how emendations both intended and unintended, affected the reception of the texts.

Simplified version for www.balzan.org: thanks to the publisher Leo S. Olschki

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