Project History
USA - USA/China
Russell Hemley and Ho-Kwang Mao
2005 Balzan Prize for Mineral Physics
For the impressive impact of their joint work leading to fundamental breakthroughs, theoretical and experimental, in the field of minerals submitted to extreme physical conditions. They have operated as a highly effective team, characterized by twenty years of research contributions at the highest level. They have developed techniques which allow them to study the behaviour of a wide range of materials, such as hydrogen, the most abundant “mineral” in the universe. Their results have deep implications for our understanding of nature.
Excerpt from The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2018
Excerpt from The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2016
Excerpt from The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2014
Excerpt from The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2012
Excerpt from The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2020